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Handmade Fabric Keychains - Easy to Craft with Some Limitations

Views: 447 Update date: Jul 04,2024

Fabric keychains are unique accessory types often made by hand or manually. These keychains offer various theme-related designs with different patterns and colors. You can also get specific customizations for these keychains with various additional decorations.


Crafting Handmade Fabric Keychains


You can craft the fabric custom made keychains as a part of your hobby, or you can sell the keychains later. The crafting process itself is simple enough. It often involves sewing and folding, depending on your design. Here are the steps to craft your handmade fabric keychains:


• Gather the materials

Fabric keychains often use cotton as the primary material you can work on. There are other additional materials like threads, key rings, and ribbons. Gather these materials first before beginning your crafting project.


• Prepare the equipment

The equipment to use in this project includes scissors, iron, sewing machine, and needles. These are the tools you can use to build the fabric keychain. Don't forget to create the design patterns for these keychains first before starting.


• Fabric Keychain: Get creative

All that's left is to use your creativity to work on your fabric-based keychain designs. Use the cotton fabric as the base material to work on. Then, apply the sewing threads to the fabric by following your design patterns. Add the keyring once you have done the work.


You can use various designs, colors, and styles for your fabric keychains. Sewing your name or initials is also doable during this rapid manufacturing process.


Fabric Keychain


Fabric Keychains' Limitations


Fabric materials offer a unique take on keychain crafting. However, there are some limitations with fabric keychains:


• Wear and tear in fabric keychain

Fabric-based keychains are prone to wear and tear from daily usage. Frequent usage of these keychains can make them wear out over time. The appearance of these keychains won't last long when you use them too much without any proper care.


• Stains

Another limitation is that fabric keychains can get stains or dirt during use. The fabrics will absorb these stains and make them difficult to remove. You might need to wash them using a special cleaning gel to remove the stains.


• Fabric Keychain: Poor strength

Poor material strength is another issue with fabric-based keychains. Unlike the sturdier keychain types, fabric keychains won't have the best material strength. You might damage these keychains when you carry heavy keys.


Be aware of these limitations of fabric keychains. Always perform the proper maintenance if you plan to use them long-term.


Fabric Keychains' Maintenance Tips


  1. Regular cleaning is preferable to remove any dirt or stain from the fabric keychain's surface.
  2. You can store the keychains in a specialized storage when not in use. It is to prevent any moisture from contacting the fabric material.
  3. Apply a new sewing thread on the damaged threads around the fabric materials. It can help prevent further damage.


Contact Us


The best keychain you can get for its uniqueness is the fabric keychain. Fabric keychains give you the hand-crafted keychain look that other keychains won't provide. These keychains are also collectible because most of them are one of a kind. Morning Craft is a professional craft manufacturers who offers different kinds of keychains, contact us today to request a free quote now!

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